Hello Girls!

I am officially going to no longer be doing any posts on this Blog.
I know that it is sad but over the summer I lost interest in my dolls. I have started school and I have a lot of stuff on my plate and doll post are not among them.

As most of you know I have my new blog- ItsMeTG.wordpress.com
And thar will be a fun girly Blog so make sure that you follow my new Blog! I love all of you so much, this Blog has opened so many doors to meeting girls across the world.

I just want to say that this ia completely my own choice. My parents have been very supportive of me in every choice I make. My mom helped me through the transition.
To all you girls who have ag dolls, keep playing all you want. Enjoy these times. Because all too soon you’ll wake up and all the sudden you look at dolls different and even though it is sad and a bittersweet moment, you soon look forward to other things and find new interest. Growing up is strange and I am so happy that I have had Samantha, Felicity and Kirsten to help me through! 😉

I want to stay in contact with ALL of you lovely girls so please check my new Blog and comment on there so we can all stay friends. I still thing AG is cool, I just don’t personally feel like playing with then anymore! 🙂

Thanks for the great bloging experience! ❤ 🙂

Beachy Blogger Award! :)


My AG World nominated me for the Beachy Blogger award! Thanks Eve! 🙂

1. If you could have any doll what would it be? Kanani! 🙂
2. Ice cream or Popsicles? Popsicles
3. What do you love to do most with your dolls? Do their hair
4. What is your favorite thing to do in the summer? Read, bike riding, volley ball, writing.
5. Etsy or AG doll clothes? Ag clothes.
6. How many dolls do you have? three
7. What is your favorite book? Hunger Games- all three of them! 🙂
8. If you could add a new doll to AG’s collection what would the doll look like?  Would it be a My AG, a GOTY, or a Historical? GOTY.  And I would make her a musician just because they don’t have any musical GOTYs.
9. What is your favorite doll accessory? Seaside Tote Set
10. How did you get into blogging? I saw American Girl Fan, and Little House of American Girl. And I wanted to have a blog too, so I asked my mom, and she let me start Blogging! 🙂

I nominate:

  • Treasured Friendships with a Flair
  • Little House of American Girl
  • Delightful world of dolls
  • The Dazzling Dollies
  • Dolly Dorm diaries 
  • Adventure
  • Saige4Crafts


Here are the rules:
Answer the 10 questions I give you above and give the people you nominate 10 more.
Let the people whom you nominated know that they were nominated.
Put the award on your sidebar.
Nominate 10 (or a number around there!)  bloggers.


Hey there!

To anyone whom might have seen my post about not playing with ag anymore, I changed my mind about selling Sammy. Even though I REALLY want an Ipod touch, and the only way I could afford it was selling her…but i changed my mind. I will have to figure out another way. I am probably not going to get Rebecca though, because…my family is praying about moving overseas for missions work, and I can’t have a ton of AG stuff to take. besides, like I said I REALLY want and IPOD touch! 😀 🙂

Oh but…I started a blog that is non AG related, it’s called…It’s Me Tg! And it’s a blog about my writing, “photography” (because I am seriously NOT a photographer, and random everyday life stuff that every teen girl does, and random things I will blog about me! 🙂 So go over and Follow..and maybe leave some comments! 🙂


CDD-Our Cabin! :)

Hello, Sammy here, and We (My sisters and myself) wanted to show you pictures of our cabin, (Before we moved all of our stuff in!)
I don’t have much time to write, so tomorrow or Friday we will post pictures from our first day at camp, witch was Yesterday! 🙂 My sisters and I are roomies for the summer, and if any more girls show up during the summer we might get an extra…that would be fun! 🙂
Well…here are the pictures of our CABIN SUNSHINE! 🙂


This is an over view of our cabin….kinda small, but fun and cozy! 🙂

102_2893102_2893 This is Kirsten’s and Felicity’s space, after we registered our counselor ran to our cabin and put up our name banners so we                                                                                              knew where to go! how awesome is that!?




This is my space…right under the rules…Kirsten said: “It’s to make sure you follow them sammy!” haha very funny!



Cute little table with a lamp.  102_2895Rules and Schedule that MUST be followed! haha! 🙂


So yah, this is our cabin! ❤ can’t wait to have adventures here this summer at CDD! 🙂


Q&A Tuesday! :)

Getting Back into the swing of things around here, I am finishing school on June 19th! So I am hoping after than I can post MORE! I am hoping to post pictures of my dolls at CDD! 🙂 Welp…Let’s get to the QUESTIONS!!! 🙂

fav. colors? Lavender, Light Pick, and Lime Green! 🙂
What is you fav. kind of book (adventure, action…)?
I honestly love different styles of books, because I love The Hunger Games (Definitely action). and I LOVE ‘Tuck Everlasting’ and I am not sure what style that is! But I love a lot of different Literature! 🙂
Fav. food? Hmm…seriously I have to say a loaded burger with a side a fries! haha! #SOunhealthybutSOYUMMY!
Fav. dessert? Yellow cake with a layer of peanut butter, and melted choclate chips (Set to harden) on top! That is what I am having for my birthday this year! CAN’T WAIT TO EAT IT! 😀
if you could meet 2 bloggers or youtubers, who would you meet and why? Um…that is so hard. I guess Jaclynn (Little House Of AG) and BASILMENTOS!!!!! 
where do you live? Sorry not allowed to say my location! 😉 

Christian Homeschooler:
What would you rather:

doll clothes or doll furniture? Clothes
Marie-Grace or Cecile? Cecile
Isabelle or Saige? Saige
GOTY doll or My AG doll? MAG


Anne and Abigail:
Have you ever been to an AGP? No, but I am hoping to go to the AG place DC this summer, and hopefully do a MEET UP! (More Info later this summer!)
What’s your favorite color? Lavender, Pink, lime green.
Other than Rebecca, what other dolls do you like/want to get? Caroline, and two of the MAG- the one with short blode curly hair and blue eyes, and the one with Medium skin, and dark curly hair. (If anybody knows their numbers let me know) 🙂


Where did you go on vacation?

I LOVE answering all of your questions, so keep them coming! 🙂 I will hopefully post pics of my dolls at camp soon, so keep a look out! 🙂



Can I just say how excited I am this summer for CAMP DOLL DIARIES!!!! Because..I am! And if you are just as excited then you will go check out this Camp Doll Diaries GIVEAWAY—–>http://dolldiaries.com/giveaway-welcome-campers/
When my dolls are going to camp I will be their counselor not their mom-just for the summer!
I finish school in 2-3 weeks. And I am hoping to post more! 🙂 I still have to make things before Monday, I completely forgot about Camp doll diaries until today, I am helping to plan my Sister’s baby shower, so I forgot about making things for camp! ooops! My birthday is next week, and I MIGHT buy the Our generation tent, but I want to save ALL my money for the AG place if I go this summer, so I am not sure what to do! 😡 If only AG dolls weren’t so expensive.


Oh yah…I am back from vacation I had a great time! 🙂Image


We have all heard the rumors and they seem to be true, just Google, ‘American Girl Beforever’ and you’ll see!
Here is Julie’s new outfit, I like it better than her old one, personally I have never really liked her that much, but this outfit is better than the old one, I think!


Photo from: Living A Doll’s Life

What do you think about it!?

I know I said I was doing ONE last post before I go, but I had to share this, I will write more about it later. Personally i don’t Like AG changing.. 😦 😦 😦

Q&A-Wednesday! :)

Sorry I didn’t post yesterday, but i thought I would do it now because I have free time! Like I said i am really busy leading up to Vacation, so I won’t be posting until I get back! 🙂 (Which will be a little over a week from now!)


Spring or Fall? Spring, I love how you go from the cold to warm weather, and everything is so green! (plus my birthday is in the spring!)
Caroline or Isabelle? Caroline!
Sneakers or flip-flops? Depends on the weather, right now, flip-flops! 🙂
Favorite store? Target, and hobby Lobby! 🙂
Our Generation, or Journey Girls? Our generation
Elsa or Anna (on Frozen)? Anna (I have friend named Anna, so I was kinda like ‘Oh yah, She’s the best!’ haha!)
What’s your Favorite month? May..seriously, the weather is usually PERFECT, rainy days, and sunny days, school is wrapping up, and my family usually goes on vacation in May! 😉 (Lower rates! ha!)
Marisol, Lindsey? Marisol 
Facebook, twitter? Facebook
 do you have any brothers or sisters? yes, one sister (and she is Married, so extra brother), and 4 brothers, and one is married (so extra sister!) 😉
if you could have a different name what would it be and why? Tough question, I love the name Diana, like from Anne of green gables! ❤ Love that name!
what do you want to be when your older? Hmm, last year I wanted to be an Historical Archaeologist..still kind of do. But definitely something with history, maybe write history books because that leads me to your next question
Do you write books? YES! I am actually working on one, it’s a love story…I started writing it when I was younger, I forgot about it then last year I started re-writing it, and a bunch of re-written stories later, i am finally going to finish writing it this summer and hopefully publish it! 🙂 but I might grow up to be a writer, and write history books, both fiction and non-fiction! 🙂 
Thanks for all the Awesome questions, ask me some more and I will answer them when I get back from vacation! 🙂 And my school is wrapping up so I am hoping to do more doll related post, not just these Q&As, sorry i haven’t posted my life is busy but in a few weeks i am hoping to post more! Yay!!! 😀 Have a great week, and I will “talk” to you all later! ❤ 🙂

Send it Saturday (on Monday!) And announcement! :)

Hello to all my fabulous readers! This is my next to last post before I go on vacation! WOO HOO! 🙂
I am not taking my computer, or any electronic devices (except my Ipod!) so I won’t be able to post I am away! 🙂 My vacation starts when my BFF comes on Thursday, and I have a lot to do by then, so I will do one last post Tomorrow, with ‘Q&A Tuesday’ (ask your questions before 2pm tomorrow!) Leah sent in some super cute photos of her dolls having a party…so let’s get on with Send it Monday! 🙂


Have a great day! 🙂
